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Web: Using Eclipse to debug PHP scripts on a remote server

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

Interesting enough, there is no proper guide out there that explains how to set up PHP debugging in Eclipse when you are working with a remote server. There are tons of guides, but they all assume that you're running PHP on your local machine. (Update: Actually, one of the first pages that come up on Google regarding PDT remote debugging is this manual page. However, this assumes you're running Zend and not XDebug.



Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

WSDLs for an IDOC can be downloaded in transaction WE62.

Simply enter the IDOC type and click Documentation --> Download XML Schema

image 41

If you get the error "Segment X is unknown in release Y" (EA 257), it generally means that the segment in question has not been released. If it's a custom IDOC you've built or generated yourself, you can do the release in BDFG or WE30.


SAP: CPI Default Message Headers and Properties

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

Anybody ever looking for a list of standard CPI message headers and properties:

These properties can be used, for instance, in Groovy functions like this (where SAPMessageID is the property from above link):


SAP: ChatGPT in the SAP context

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

Not sure if you're familiar with the saying "You don't need to know everything, you just need to know where to find it". I have a strong can-do attitude, so I regularly work in areas I haven't worked in before. This means starting at square one and having to google all the beginner questions about transactions and tables or even debugging.


SAP: Convert string to multiline table

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

In case you have to deal with text in ERP, the text function modules do not usually allow you to pass a string value. Rather, you have to pass a table that contains your string, split up into multiple lines. The data element of those texts is usually TDLINE and you have to provide some additional information in the table, like object type and format.

Doing this split was actually not very straight-forward because you need to take into account that your (flat) source string may contain line breaks.


C4C: Analyze dumps and errors

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

In case you're faced with a technical error screen in C4C and are looking for the root cause:

  1. Don't close the error screen. Click "Report Incident" instead.
  2. Open the Incident from the Administrator Work Center
  3. Find the section "Incident Context"
  4. Click on /SAP/ABAP/RuntimeError

image 39


C4C: Add explanation texts to UI panes

Submitted by Stefan Barsuhn on

Sometimes there's the need to add a help text to a custom or standard screen so the users know (or don't forget) how to use it.

There are two ways for doing this. For custom screens, the preferred way is to do this in the UI Designer.

Look for the property section "Text Information" - it is usually available for Views or Pane Containers - and set "Always show Explanation Area Text" to true. Then maintain the text under "Explanation Area Text".
