The preprocessing for purchasing info records (German: Einkaufsinfosätze) is not quite straight forward.
The following is what I found out regarding its logic:
- Preprocessing is done using transaction ME16
- You need to make entries in all of the last 3 select options to catch:
- info records WITH related documents (purchase orders etc.) => field "Datum letzter Beleg" (this is matched against field EINE-DATLB)
- info records WITHOUT related documents => field Datum Erfassung kleiner (this is matched against field EINE-ERDAT)
- info records without org data (i.e. entry in table EINE) => field Datum Erfassung kleiner matched agains EINA-ERDAT
- In order to batch mark all found info records, select Edit => Mark => All
So, as an example, if you enter 31.12.2006 in all date fields and want to check if all info records were processed correctly, you need to add:
- number of entries in EINE with DATLAB > 00.00.000 and < 31.12.2006
- number of entries in EINE with DATLAB = 00.00.0000 (no initial) and ERDAT <= 31.12.2006
I didn't have any entries in EINA without entries in EINA, but you would have to build a query that only shows entries in EINA without corresponding entries in EINE and filter those for EINA-ERDAT.